Substance use disorder is defined as using or abusing substances, especially drugs and alcohol, to the point where it harms health or prevents normal functioning.
Substance Use Disorder
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Event Overview This event was made possible with support from the Catholic Health Association of the United States. Agenda: Networking Breakfast 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. ET Enjoy coffee, juice, light breakfast items, and time to connect with your colleagues. Introduction and Opening Remarks 9:30 a.m. – 9:40 a.m. ET Session #1: Health Care Coverage […]
The federal government provides a significant share of funding for mental health services in America, while allowing states flexibility to design their own mental health systems and allocate those funds to county and local levels. This briefing outlined how federal funding is allocated, distributed, and ultimately used by states and community organizations. Speakers also explored […]
While behavioral and physical health are deeply linked, our siloed and fragmented health care system does not treat them in a coordinated and holistic way. These gaps lead to avoidable delays in diagnosis and care for patients, exacerbating the current crises of suicide, overdose, and behavioral health morbidity. To that end, the continuum of “integration” […]
While the COVID-19 pandemic has remained a national priority for health and non-health sectors alike, there is a second nation-wide health concern that has been quietly growing – a mental health crisis. Prior to 2020, 1 in 10 adults reported feeling symptoms of anxiety and depression, a number that has now grown to 4 in […]
The opioid addiction crisis has thrown a spotlight on the physical and behavioral health issues surrounding chronic pain. This briefing, part of our Future of Health Care Summit Series, examined innovative non-pharmacologic models to address chronic pain, including among the military and veteran population and through state Medicaid and safety net programs. Ben Miller, Well […]
Medicaid is testing numerous new alternative payment and delivery system models to enhance the coordination of the health care services provided to millions of low-income Americans. This briefing examined the range of Medicaid’s efforts to improve care and promote value, including integrating health with non-clinical and behavioral services, creating managed care organizations, and instituting regional […]
Behavioral health conditions, including mental health issues and substance use disorders, affect nearly one in five Americans and account for $57 billion in health care costs annually. This briefing discussed current initiatives to integrate behavioral and physical health care services in order to improve quality of care and reduce overall health care costs. KEY BRIEFING […]
**CHANGE IN BRIEFING TIME, 10-11:30 AM, REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE AT 9:45**According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug overdose is the leading cause of injury death in the United States. In 2010, opioid pain relievers accounted for approximately 17,000 of overdose deaths— more than twice the number of deaths from cocaine and heroin […]
The health reform debate has heated up, featuring proposals from both the House and Senate. However, little of the discussion has focused on the area of mental health and substance use disorders. More than 33 million Americans are treated annually for mental health and substance use disorders. Mental illness and substance use disorders can have […]
Members of Congress, Congressional and agency staff, federal, state, and local legislators.
Health Care Stakeholders
Industry stakeholders, practitioners and providers, patient advocates, community organizations, academics.
Members of the press, journalists, public relations professionals.