A system in which people with disabilities and chronic conditions have choice, control and access to a full array of quality services that assure optimal outcomes, such as independence, health and quality of life.
Long Term Services and Supports
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Understanding and implementing responsible practices is paramount for using AI as a tool to advance health equity. Panelists discussed strategies to address known shortcomings, including bias in health care AI, considerations for mitigating community harm and maximizing benefits. Experts also shared insights on creating AI products and policies to improve the health care system for […]
Event Overview This event was made possible with support from the Catholic Health Association of the United States. Agenda: Networking Breakfast 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. ET Enjoy coffee, juice, light breakfast items, and time to connect with your colleagues. Introduction and Opening Remarks 9:30 a.m. – 9:40 a.m. ET Session #1: Health Care Coverage […]
This event featured an analysis of potential health policy priorities at both state and federal levels for this upcoming election year, and provided a review of major legislative milestones from 2023 and their potential implications for 2024.
Download a summary of this event » Home and community-based services (HCBS) is a subset of long-term services and supports (LTSS) that allows patients to receive health services in their home or a local setting rather than a typically higher-cost institutional setting. Offerings include intensive, round-the-clock care through more wrap-around services such as caregiver support, home-delivered […]
This event was Part III of the Alliance’s Health Policy Roundup and 2022 Forecast series. Download a summary of this event » While significant attention has been paid to shifts in national health policy, it is equally important to understand the promise, tradeoffs, and impacts on various stakeholders that state policies have demonstrated. Within the […]
Download an overview of this event for easy sharing » Persons dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid are among the highest need populations in either program. However, a lack of coordination between these programs makes it difficult for individuals enrolled in both to navigate between the two, and adds to the overall cost of both programs. […]
Download an overview of this event for easy sharing » The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on both low-income communities and seniors in the U.S. As the acute effects of COVID-19 are continuously felt, and we enter a challenging winter season for health, it is important to consider how best to serve […]
Public Webinar At some point in their lives, roughly 52 percent of individuals turning 65 will require long-term care (LTC), a range of services that assist with the basic personal tasks of everyday life. Individuals of all ages with disabilities are also more likely to demand long-term care supports. At present, there is not […]
Public Webinar Health care has remained a leading issue in the 116th Congress and bipartisan momentum is growing around several key priorities. This fall, the House and Senate are poised to consider legislation surrounding drug pricing, surprise out-of-network billing, and various health care “extenders,” among other topics. With the 2020 presidential election cycle approaching, attention […]
Public More than 12 million Americans receive long term services and supports, and as the population continues to age, this number is only projected to grow. Medicaid is the single largest payer of LTSS. Efforts to deliver Medicaid LTSS through managed care arrangements and, whenever possible, in the home and community are becoming increasingly common throughout […]
Public event Immunizations are a lifesaving and cost-effective intervention that can radically reduce the transmission of potentially debilitating diseases such as flu, shingles, pneumonia, and measles. Despite high rates of childhood vaccination, adult vaccination rates in the U.S. remain low. However, the immune system deteriorates with age, leaving older adults more susceptible to many vaccine-preventable […]
This half-day summit, the third in a series of three, examined many factors that affect the current state of the health care workforce. The summit consisted of three panels and two keynote speakers: Emerging Health Workforce Issues in Times of System Transformation This keynote explored how many health care professions role are changing in the new […]
Health Care Workforce: Direct Care
In the move to increase access and coverage while enhancing the value of the health care dollar, the direct care workforce provides an important contribution to coordinated care in a high quality system. This toolkit, co-written by Bill Erwin and Deanna Okrent of the Alliance, aims to provide an array of resources and perspectives that […]
Long-Term Services and Supports Toolkit: Changes and Challenges in Financing and Delivery
The aging of the baby boomers and the increase in the number of old-old persons (those 85 and older) are predictors for the increasing need for long-term services and supports (LTSS). Among persons age 65 and over, an estimated 70 percent will use LTSS. A new Alliance for Health Reform toolkit, “Long-Term Services and Supports: […]
Members of Congress, Congressional and agency staff, federal, state, and local legislators.
Health Care Stakeholders
Industry stakeholders, practitioners and providers, patient advocates, community organizations, academics.
Members of the press, journalists, public relations professionals.