Sarah Dash Addresses COVID-19 and Alliance Response
To our valued friends and supporters:
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, in stark terms, just how interconnected we are as a society. We know that many of you, the Alliance for Health Policy’s friends and partners, are on the front lines of managing this public health emergency as it continues to evolve at rapid speed.
The Alliance is here for you. We are committed to remaining a resource amidst this turbulent time. We are pleased to present our upcoming webinar series that will dive deep into the health system impacts of the pandemic and where we go from here. If you have ideas or requests for how the Alliance can be helpful to informing the policy conversation as we continue to combat this virus, please do not hesitate to let us know.
For the time being, all of our upcoming events will be moved to a virtual platform. We understand many of you were looking forward to our April 1 conversation on Disruptors and Transformers, but we have postponed the thought leader event and will be reworking it in a virtual format. Please stay tuned for more information. Email will be the most reliable way to reach us at the Alliance, as we will be working remotely in the coming weeks. You can find our contact info on our staff page.
Our situation is a reminder that, as health policy leaders, our decisions will matter to millions of people.
Things really hit home for me when I saw a picture of my sister-in-law preparing to provide care to patients at a mobile testing facility in Colorado. We salute our frontline health professionals and all of those who are working to mitigate the impact of this pandemic. I wish you and your families health and safety during these uncertain times.
Sarah J. Dash, Alliance President and CEO

Alliance for Health Policy
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