A range of services that states are required to include in their basic benefits package for all Medicaid-eligible children under age 21. EPSDT services include periodic screenings to identify physical and mental conditions, as well as vision, hearing, and dental...
Signed into law by President Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), requires that the Department of Health and Human Services oversee the development and management of federal resources to protect seniors from elder abuse.
Some in the health care field consider the term “electronic health record” to be virtually identical to “electronic medical record.” Others consider an electronic health record to be a more patient-oriented Web-based set of information about...
A computer-based record containing details about a patient’s encounter with a health care provider or facility, such as the patient’s chief complaint, vital signs, medical history, medical orders, plans and prescriptions. An EMR is a legal document and...
Enacted in 1974, ERISA was primarily designed to secure workers’ pension rights. The law established federal reporting and disclosure requirements for most private employee health plans. Under ERISA, companies that pay for their workers’ health benefits...