Bipartisan Learning Communities Congressional Fellowship

The Alliance for Health Policy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping policymakers and the public better understand health policy. For over 30 years, we’ve educated congressional staff in the larger health policy community, forging the next generation of health policy leaders.
The Fellowship
In January 2025, the Alliance launched the first-ever Bipartisan Learning Communities Congressional Fellowship, a pioneering educational and professional development program that aims to cultivate future health policy leaders. This 10-month, nonpartisan fellowship empowers “Rising Stars” currently working on Capitol Hill to deepen their expertise, knowledge, and skills in health policy.
The fellowship curriculum draws from recommendations from senior level congressional staff. The program will balance a focus on educational content with Hill-relevant skill development. Participants will walk away from the program with a knowledge of “what to ask, who to ask, and where to look.”
Sample program topics include successfully engaging with committee staff, predictions vs. reality when it comes to legislative outcomes, and how learnings from landmark legislation are relevant in today’s Congress.
This no-cost fellowship offers Hill staff a rare opportunity to participate in nonpartisan, educational programming to further their career goals.
Applications for the 2025 congressional fellowship program are currently open.
Apply or nominate someone in your network today.
Please direct questions or inquiries to the Alliance at
What to Expect
During this immersive 10-month program, fellows can expect to:
- Collaborate, learn, and network with professional peers drawn from bipartisan offices, looking to advance their knowledge of health policy.
- Participate in 9 sessions (4 in-person, 5 virtual) with educational programming and interactive activities.
- We anticipate sessions will take place on Thursday afternoons, with some events during recesses (advance notice provided).
- Participants can expect to spend approx. 3 hours per month in sessions, plus 5 hours on self-guided work between sessions.
- Virtual sessions are recorded for future viewing.
- Engage with a top-tier curriculum, informed by committee, leadership staff and Alliance experts, that builds:
- A deeper understanding of complex health care topics,
- Familiarity with landmark and continuously relevant health legislation,
- Knowledge of health policy fundamentals, and
- Exposure to tools for policy development.
- Commit to 80% attendance to “graduate” from the program (max. 2 absences, excused for work/illness). The more participation, the better experience for our fellows.
- Earn a program completion certificate.
These expectations for the fellowship program are subject to change.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants are early-to-mid career congressional staff, typically with 1-5 years of full-time experience (exceptions possible). Prior health policy experience is not required, only a demonstrated interest.
The fellowship strongly encourages individuals with diverse backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to apply. Current status as a congressional employee is required to participate in the program.
Informational Webinar
On Thursday, February 13, 2025, the Alliance held an informational webinar to share more about the fellowship and the application process.
Find a document addressing frequently asked questions (FAQs) addressed during the webinar event here.
Working Group
In the first phase of the program, the Alliance recruited a working group drawn from experts in the Hill community, adult education, policy education, and design thinking and convened them to offer guidance. This group laid out key considerations for an effective congressional fellowship program for future health policy leaders in the legislative branch. The group’s findings are laid out in our working group report.
This program is made possible by generous support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.