Recent Trends and Policies Impacting Medicare and Medicaid’s Home and Community- Based Services

June 21, 2023
12:00 pm-

1:30 pm

Virtual Event

Event Description

Health care services have been moving out of facilities and into home and community settings gradually over an extended period of time. This trend accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicaid has offered home and community-based services (HCBS) as a subset of long-term services and supports (LTSS) that allows patients to receive health services in their home or a local setting rather than a typically higher-cost institutional setting. Offerings include intensive, round-the-clock care through more wrap-around services such as caregiver support, home-delivered meals, and employment supports. Medicare offers a much more limited set of services in the home, but the opportunities are increasing.

Panelists at this session provided an overview of home services offered through Medicare and Medicaid, described populations receiving these services, the specific services covered, current trends, and open policy issues including recent legislative and regulatory initiatives.

This webinar was funded by The Scan Foundation.


Kayla Holgash, MPH, NA

Health Policy Director, McDermott+Consulting
Kayla is a skilled, passionate health policy professional with experience covering health policy legislation, research, complex policy and data analyses, and strategic planning for leading DC-area institutions. Kayla joins McDermottPlus from the principal non-partisan legislative branch agency in Washington, DC, providing information, evaluations, and recommendations on Medicaid and CHIP for stakeholders in Congress, executive branch decision-makers, and state-level leaders. As an investigative specialist, Kayla led the agency’s work analyzing racial and ethnic health disparities among Medicaid beneficiaries. She was an integral force in authoring the organization’s public statement committing to combat institutional racism and address racial disproportions in healthcare and health outcomes. She also provided detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of various Medicaid payment and coverage policies, including those regulating hospital, nursing facility, and health center services, provider acceptance of Medicaid and other insurance, value-based care, and maternal health. Kayla recently worked as a senior advisor to executive leadership teams of small, minority-run, for-profit and non-profit organizations. Her prior career experiences also allowed her to combine her strategic expertise with her interests, working to address the social determinants of health of school children and their families. Previously, Kayla worked as a health policy legislative fellow for a senior US Senator and researcher for The George Washington University.
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Amy Bassano, M.A.

Managing Director, Medicare, Health Management Associates (HMA)
Amy Bassano, M.A., is a senior executive and nationally recognized health policy expert with more than 20 years of experience developing organizational vision and strategic plans, designing, and implementing payment systems, and driving change in the healthcare delivery system. She joins HMA as managing director of Medicare services after serving as the deputy director for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). As senior executive at the CMMI, she oversaw the development and implementation of value-based purchasing models for both Medicare and Medicaid including accountable care organizations, bundled payment programs, and specialty initiatives in oncology, kidney care, prescription drugs, state-based models and dual eligibles. Additionally, she collaborated with states, health plans, purchasers, and international organizations to lead the national and international movement to value in healthcare. In her more than 15 years at CMS, she served in various Medicare leadership roles including as director of the Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group. In that role she developed and implemented hospital, physician, Part B prescription drugs, clinical laboratory, and other acute care payment policies, oversaw regulatory and sub-regulatory requirements for these providers and suppliers. She also led implementation of multiple major pieces of legislation including the Affordable Care Act for the payment systems in the policy group. She previously served as director of the divisions of Practitioner Services and Ambulatory Services and in the Office of Management and Budget. Amy earned a Master of Policy Studies from John Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree in history from Tufts University.
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Kate McEvoy, J.D.

Executive Director, National Association of Medicaid Directors
Kate McEvoy became Executive Director of the National Association of Medicaid Director in January 2023. NAMD is a professional community of state leaders who provide health insurance to more than 80 million individuals and families through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories. NAMD elevates thought leadership on core and emerging policy matters, amplifies the experience and expertise of Medicaid and CHIP directors, supports state programs in continuous improvement and innovation, and optimizes federal-state partnerships to help millions live their healthiest lives. Previously, Kate led the Milbank Memorial Fund’s work in support of state executive branch staff and policymakers as well as its policy initiatives on healthy aging. Prior to joining Milbank, she was the long-time Director of Health Services for Connecticut’s Department of Social Services, where she oversaw delivery and payment reform for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and long-term services and supports. During this time, she served as president and vice president of NAMD’s Board of Directors. Previous to her service as a Medicaid Director, she contributed to state health reform efforts in the Office of the State Comptroller, which oversees state employee benefits. An elder law attorney by training, Kate’s early career was dedicated to working with and for older adults and people with disabilities at the Connecticut Association of Area Agencies on Aging. She also served as a past chair of the Elder Law Section of the Connecticut Bar Association and on the Steering Committee of the Reforming States Group. Kate holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Connecticut School of Law and a B.A. in English and Economics from Oberlin College, and is the author of the treatise Connecticut Elder Law.
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Naomi D. Williams, MPH, CHES

Life Doula
Naomi D. Williams is a perfectly imperfect person on a mission to empower individuals and families to live their best life, now. As a Life Doula, she helps people navigate and process major life altering events. Naomi believes anyone and everyone can and should lead an exceptional life. Naomi uses her experiences as a grief coach and yoga instructor to inform her work as an advocate and systems navigator. When not advocating for her family or others, you can find Naomi getting lost exploring nature or taking a deep breath on her yoga mat.
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Presentation: A. Bassano

Presentation: K. McEvoy

Presentation: N. Williams

Event Resources

Additional Resources


Kayla Holgash, MPH, NA

Health Policy Director, McDermott+Consulting

Amy Bassano, M.A.

Managing Director, Medicare, Health Management Associates (HMA)

Kate McEvoy, J.D.

Executive Director, National Association of Medicaid Directors

Naomi D. Williams, MPH, CHES

Life Doula

Donna Benton, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor; Family Caregiver Support Center, Director, University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology,

Joe Caldwell, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist and Director of the Community Living Policy Center, Lurie Institute for Disability Policy at Brandeis University

Howard Gleckman

Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute

Mark J. Warshawsky, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Asmaa Albaroudi, MSG

Senior Analyst, Medicaid And CHIP Payment and Access Commission

Richard J. Hodes, MD

Director, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging




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