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The Alliance for Health Policy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping policymakers and the public better understand health policy, the root of the nation’s health care issues, and the trade-offs posed by various proposals for change.

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July 24, 2024

The Alliance would like to extend an invitation to the health policy community to gather the night before the Summit for a networking reception with colleagues from across the health care sector. We are excited to offer an opportunity to connect with other Summit attendees and panelists ahead of the event.

July 25, 2024

AI in Health- Navigating New Frontiers Summit Thursday, July 25, 2024 Barbara Jordan Conference Center – 1330 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005 9:00 AM Registration | 9:30 – 3:30 PM Panel Presentations This year, the Signature Series delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both health care and health policy. In […]

Signature Series

Courageous Conversations. Innovative Events.

The annual Signature Series addresses challenging issues in health policy by convening cross-sector dialogue with experts in both policy and practice. Together, we critically examine and identify what’s at stake, as well as key areas of opportunity.

This year’s theme focuses on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care and health policy.


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March 5, 2010

Engaging consumers more directly in their care may improve health outcomes and help control the costs of care. This program will focus on the potential for changing consumer behavior to promote the use of effective interventions and discourage unnecessary care. How promising are consumer engagement techniques such as patient self-management, shared decision-making and value-based insurance […]

February 22, 2010

Medicaid programs are feeling the strain as enrollment grows while state revenues come in lower than projected. This briefing, cosponsored by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, looked at the recession’s effect on Medicaid programs and low-income individuals and families. Speakers: – Robin Rudowitz, principal policy analyst for the Kaiser Commission and former Medicaid […]

January 8, 2010

Health insurance exchanges can potentially serve a variety of policy ends, from promoting transparency and competition among health plans, to pooling or reallocating risk and administering subsidies for those unable to afford health insurance premiums. Exchanges can also play a role in health insurance oversight. Many of these functions are being carried out by the […]

December 7, 2009

Unhealthy behavior is costing America billions in health care expenditures, and making us less healthy as a people. Many large employers, recognizing the impact on the health of their workers and the companies’ bottom lines, offer financial incentives to their employees to exercise regularly, improve their diets, lose weight and quit smoking, among other things. […]

December 1, 2009

One of the main goals of health reform is to increase access to health care.  Frequently overlooked in this effort is finding effective and efficient mechanisms for determining eligibility and enrolling those who are eligible for existing public programs, primarily Medicaid and the the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). How can recruitment and enrollment be […]

November 20, 2009

The health reform proposals being considered in both houses may impose responsibilities on both individuals and employers to have, and help pay for, coverage. Subsidies for some small businesses and for individuals with incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level have been proposed. But will individuals and businesses be able to pay […]

November 13, 2009

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play a crucial role in the U.S. health insurance system by providing coverage for more than one in four children. The number of children in CHIP is at an all-time high, having grown 15 percent over the past year alone. About half of Medicaid’s enrollees are children. […]

November 6, 2009

The experience of other countries may help inform the debate as U. S. policymakers grapple with health reform and the regulatory mechanisms needed to contain costs while improving quality, efficiency and coverage. This briefing, cosponsored by The Commonwealth Fund, examined the quasi-governmental authorities that Germany, the Netherlands and France have established. Operating within broad legislative frameworks […]

October 30, 2009

Health care delivery poses unique challenges in rural communities. Provider shortages are particularly acute in rural America, where levels of educational achievement are generally lower and there are fewer opportunities to receive medical training. Unemployment and uninsurance rates are higher in rural areas than elsewhere. Join us for a discussion about how some aspects of […]

October 23, 2009

Public support for health reform waxes and wanes depending, not only on what’s being proposed in the reform proposals, but also on who asks the question and how it is asked. Some recent polls indicate a majority of Americans support health care reform now; is that still the case? Do people want to pay for […]

October 19, 2009

The cost and quality of health care, as well as access to care and health outcomes, continue to vary widely among states according to the Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System’s second state scorecard. The report, Aiming Higher: Results from the 2009 State Scorecard on Health System Performance, is a follow-up to […]

September 18, 2009

As Congress hashes out proposals to expand coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, the latest count of the number of uninsured is a significant factor. Though some believe economic recovery is underway, Americans are still losing jobs by the hundreds of thousands each month. With the loss of jobs, so goes health insurance. […]

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