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The Alliance for Health Policy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping policymakers and the public better understand health policy, the root of the nation’s health care issues, and the trade-offs posed by various proposals for change.

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July 24, 2024

The Alliance would like to extend an invitation to the health policy community to gather the night before the Summit for a networking reception with colleagues from across the health care sector. We are excited to offer an opportunity to connect with other Summit attendees and panelists ahead of the event.

July 25, 2024

AI in Health- Navigating New Frontiers Summit Thursday, July 25, 2024 Barbara Jordan Conference Center – 1330 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005 9:00 AM Registration | 9:30 – 3:30 PM Panel Presentations This year, the Signature Series delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both health care and health policy. In […]

Signature Series

Courageous Conversations. Innovative Events.

The annual Signature Series addresses challenging issues in health policy by convening cross-sector dialogue with experts in both policy and practice. Together, we critically examine and identify what’s at stake, as well as key areas of opportunity.

This year’s theme focuses on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care and health policy.


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September 12, 2011

After much heated debate on the U.S. debt limit, the Budget Control Act of 2011, containing more than $900 billion in spending reductions over 10 years, was passed on August 2. The members of the Super Committee created by that law are hard at work, and the process is in gear to achieve at least […]

August 11, 2011

The high and rising cost of health care is a central concern for governments at all levels, employers and families. A large portion of the cost problem can be traced to the care received by persons with chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes. Treating those with multiple chronic conditions, including the elderly and disabled populations, […]

August 1, 2011

Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, providers can receive Medicare and Medicaid payment incentives when they adopt electronic health records and demonstrate their “meaningful use.” Additionally, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires states to establish a website by 2014 for Medicaid beneficiaries to electronically enroll and renew coverage. Yet many […]

July 18, 2011

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) authorized the creation of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. CMMI seeks to test innovative health care payment and service delivery models that can potentially enhance quality of care for beneficiaries while reducing costs. From 2011 to […]

June 10, 2011

There is a national epidemic of chronic disease. Though it does not get the news coverage devoted to floods and tornadoes, it deserves attention and is starting to get it. There is a groundswell of activity in local communities to support healthier lifestyles and help people make long-lasting and sustainable changes that can reduce their […]

June 3, 2011

This was an introductory session designed to inform the staff of new members of Congress both in Washington and in district or state offices about the people who receive benefits from both the Medicaid and Medicare programs (often called “dual eligibles”). The briefing was designed to be helpful to staff members unfamiliar with this important issue. The […]

May 20, 2011

When fully implemented, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will increase the number of insured Americans through two primary strategies – expanding Medicaid and providing insurance through state-based insurance exchanges. As an individual’s household income exceeds the maximum for Medicaid eligibility, he or she will be eligible for subsidies to buy coverage through an […]

May 13, 2011

In addition to expanding coverage to 32 million previously uninsured Americans, the health reform law of 2010 aims to improve the health of the population and the quality of health care delivery, while reducing costs. One tool to pursue these goals is the creation of a national voluntary program for accountable care organizations (ACOs). The […]

April 27, 2011

More than 25 years have passed since what is now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) began publishing hospital mortality data. Great strides have been taken since then in collecting and making public more and better information about the quality of care delivered by hospitals and other providers. CMS’s websites, like www.hospitalcompare.gov, make […]

April 15, 2011

View our interactive map: “Select Community Quality Initiatives” The fact that health care costs vary sharply around the country is becoming well known; less understood is that there is also wide regional variation in health care quality. Some regions enjoy low cost, high quality care while others report high cost, lower quality care. Some people […]

April 4, 2011

Although the rise in unemployment in this recession has resulted in lost health insurance coverage for many adults, a record 90 percent of children now have coverage – one-third of whom are covered by public programs, Medicaid and CHIP. About 7.5 million children remain uninsured, including 5 million who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP […]

March 11, 2011

Understanding how Medicare works is essential to understanding federal health policy. Medicare is the federally administered health insurance program for individuals ages 65 and older and for younger people with permanent disabilities. In 2010, the program covered an estimated 47 million people. It comprised an estimated 15 percent of the federal budget and over one-fifth […]

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