This event was Part III of the Alliance’s Health Policy Roundup and 2022 Forecast series. 

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While significant attention has been paid to shifts in national health policy, it is equally important to understand the promise, tradeoffs, and impacts on various stakeholders that state policies have demonstrated. Within the last two years, state policymakers have introduced various innovative proposals to try to contain health care costs and improve access and affordability of care for consumers. States are generally uniquely positioned to enact and implement policies more quickly than their federal counterparts to generate change in some key areas, including provider payments, long-term care, and prescription drugs.

This briefing provided a round-up of state-level policies enacted during the past few years that are focused on cost containment, complex care, and drug pricing reform. Panelists overviewed health policies implemented and evaluated at the state level, synthesize major lessons and takeaways from these policies, and highlighted states or programs to watch in 2022.


  • Stephanie Anthony, J.D., MPH, Senior Advisor, Manatt Health
  • Colleen Becker, MPP, Senior Policy Specialist, National Conference of State Legislatures
  • Suzanne Delbanco, Ph.D., MPH, Executive Director, Catalyst for Payment Reform
  • Maureen Hensley-Quinn, MPA, Senior Program Director of Coverage, Cost and Value, National Academy for State Health Policy
  • Mark E. Miller, Ph.D., M.A., Executive Vice President of Health Care, Arnold Ventures (moderator)

This event was made possible with support from Arnold Ventures.

Presentation: Health Policy Roundup: State Policy Analysis and Priorities

Event Resources

Key Resources

(listed chronologically, beginning with the most recent)ย 

โ€œRoundup of Selected State Health Developments, Fourth-Quarter 2021.โ€ Stamm, C., Glass, R., Marshall, K. Mercer Law and Policy Group. January 21, 2022. Available here.ย 

โ€œRoundup of Selected State Health Developments, Third-Quarter 2021.โ€ Stamm, C., Glass, R., Marshall, K. Mercer Law and Policy Group. October 22, 2021. Available here.ย ย 

โ€œRoundup of Selected State Health Developments, Second-Quarter 2021.โ€ Stamm, C., Marshall, K. Mercer Law and Policy Group. July 30, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œRoundup of Selected State Health Developments, First-Quarter 2021.โ€ Stamm, C., Marshall, K. Mercer Law and Policy Group. April 26, 2021. Available here.ย ย 

โ€œCovidโ€™s Deadly Trade-Offs, By the Numbers: How Each State Has Fared in the Pandemic.โ€ POLITICO. December 15, 2021. Available here.

โ€œReducing Health Care Spending: What Tools Can States Leverage?โ€ Chernew, M., Cutler, D., Shah, S. The Commonwealth Fund. August 18, 2021. Available here.ย 

Additional Resources

(listed chronologically, beginning with the most recent)ย 

โ€œA Looming Decision on Medicare Coverage for Biogenโ€™s Alzheimerโ€™s Drug Could Shock State Medicaid Programs.โ€ Silverman, E. STAT News. January 10, 2022. Available here.ย ย 

โ€œSpecific Steps to Improve the Fairness and Sustainability of Medicaidโ€™s Financing of Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Americans.โ€ Warshawsky, M. American Enterprise Institute. January 18, 2022. Available here.ย ย 

โ€œHow Price Regulation is Needed to Advance Market Competition.โ€ Berenson, R., Murray, R. Health Affairs. January 2022. Available here.ย 

โ€œDisrupting Hospital Price Increases: Using Growth Caps in Insurance Rate Review.โ€ Butler, J. National Academy for State Health Policy. December 14, 2021. Available here.

โ€œTelehealth Payment Parity Laws at the State Level.โ€ Dills, A. Mercatus Center at George Mason University. November 30, 2021. Available here.ย ย 

โ€œStates Use Appendix K and Emergency Waivers to Support Home- and Community-Based Services in Response to COVID-19.โ€ National Academy for State Health Policy. November 3, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œHCBS Spending Plans and the Untapped Potential of D-SNPs.โ€ Janoski, B., Abdnor, A., Mir, A. Arnold Ventures. October 11, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œPart 3: After a Groundswell of Success in 2021, Stage is Set for Broader Rx Reform in 2022.โ€ Williamson, K. Arnold Ventures. October 1, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œPart 2: In Quest to Lower Rx Prices, States Deploy New Tools.โ€ Williamson, K. Arnold Ventures. September 29, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œPart 1: As Congress Debates Lowering Drug Prices, States Waste No Time.โ€ Williamson, K. Arnold Ventures. September 28, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œStrengthening Long-Term Services and Supports: The Difference Federal Investment Can Make.โ€ Feder, J., Skopec, L., Favreault, M. Urban Institute. September 27, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œ2021 State Legislative Session Recap on Statesโ€™ Efforts to Lower Drug Costs.โ€ Lanford, S. National Academy for State Health Policy. August 2, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œLong-Term Care Financing Reform Proposals That Involve Public Programs.โ€ Hanna, C., Uccello, C., Schoonveld, S., et al. American Academy of Actuaries. July 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œPotential Impact of Additional Federal Funds for Medicaid HCBS for Seniors and People with Disabilities.โ€ Chidambaram, P., Musumeci, M. Kaiser Family Foundation. May 28, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œNew Federal Funding Allows States to Rethink Long-Term Care.โ€ Arnold Ventures. May 11, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œA Status Report on Prescription Drug Policies and Proposals at the Start of the Biden Administration.โ€ Cubanski, J., Freed, M., Neuman, T. Kaiser Family Foundation. February 11, 2021. Available here.ย 

โ€œState All-Payer Claims Databases: Tools for Improving Health Care Value, Part 1- How States Establish an APCD and Make it Functional.โ€ McCarthy, D. The Commonwealth Fund. December 10, 2020. Available here.ย 

โ€œState All-Payer Claims Databases: Tools for Improving Health Care Value, Part 2- The Uses and Benefits of State APCDs.โ€ McCarthy, D. The Commonwealth Fund. December 10, 2020. Available here.ย 

โ€œHow the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission is Fostering a Statewide Commitment to Contain Health Care Spending Growth.โ€ Waugh, L., McCarthy, D. The Commonwealth Fund. March 5, 2020. Available here.ย 



Stephanie Anthony, J.D., MPH
Manatt Health, Senior Advisor

Colleen Becker, MPP
National Conference of State Legislatures, Senior Policy Specialist

Suzanne Delbanco, Ph.D., MPH
Catalyst for Payment Reform, Executive Director

Maureen Hensley-Quinn, MPA
National Academy for State Health Policy, Senior Program Director of Coverage, Cost and Value

Mark Miller, Ph.D.
Arnold Ventures, Executive Vice President of Health Care

Experts and Analysts

Lauren Block, MPA
Aurrera Health Group, Principal of Medicaid Policy & Programs

Erin Fuse Brown, J.D., MPH
Georgia State University College of Law, Catherine C. Henson Professor, Associate Professor of Law, and Director of Center for Law, Health and Society

Michael Bailit, MBA
Bailit Health, President

James C. Capretta, M.A.
American Enterprise Institute, Senior Fellow and Milton Friedman Chair

Judith Feder, Ph.D.
Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, Professor of Public Policy

Lovisa Gustafsson, MBA
Commonwealth Fund, Vice President, Controlling Health Care Costs

Heather Howard, J.D.
State Health and Value Strategies, Program Director
Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs, Professor of Practice

Erica Socker, Ph.D.
Arnold Ventures, Vice President of Health Care, Payor Reform


Jhamirah Howard, MPH
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Social Science Analyst

Carolyn L. Yocom, MBA
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Director, Health Care


Kelly Brantley, MPH
Avalere, Policy Practice Director

Elizabeth Cahn Goodman, J.D., MSW, Dr.P.H.
AHIP, Executive Vice President, Government Affairs and Innovation

Shelby Hockenberry, Ph.D., M.A.
National Governors Association, Program Director, Healthcare Delivery

Donald May, MPA
Federation of American Hospitals, Senior Vice President of Policy

Pamela Roberto, Pharm.D, Ph.D., MPP
PhRMA, Deputy Vice President of Policy and Research


This is an unedited transcript.