Signature Series 2018
The 2018 Signature Series – Opportunities for Progress addressed new proposals for change through honest dialogues and multiple perspectives on two critical health policy topics: health care costs and aging.
We invited policymakers, members of the press, health care leaders, and experts to join the conversation on the present and future progress of health care.
Each theme in the 2018 Series included one half-day summit and one post-event congressional briefing to maximize educational value and further advance the health policy dialogue.

Event Details
The conversation on health care costs in America is decades old, yet progress has been elusive. Terms like sustainability, affordability, and value are set forward as goals, but perspectives on how to achieve them vary widely. Speakers and panelists provided insights into current and projected health care cost trends, what different stakeholders hope to achieve, […]
As the last event in our 2018 Opportunities for Progress Signature Series on health care costs, this 90-minute briefing explored the differences between “price” and “cost” in our current system and the potential policy options that address these discrepancies. Panelists: Gerard Anderson, Ph.D., professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University Damon Francis, M.D., […]
Americans are living longer–by 2060 the number of Americans over 65 will double, making up nearly a quarter of the population. While rising life expectancy marks a major achievement for the health care system, policymakers and stakeholders must work to build a health care infrastructure to support longer lives. During this summit, panelists explored how […]
Public Briefing Americans are living longer–by 2060 the number of Americans over 65 will double, making up nearly a quarter of the population. While rising life expectancy marks a major achievement for the health care system, policymakers and stakeholders must work to build a health care infrastructure to support longer lives. This briefing was the […]