Message from the President: This is Your Alliance

One of the things about the Alliance is that when we changed our name in 2017 we kept the “Alliance” part. With every day that goes by I think that is more and more important, because what we’ve learned is that the strength of the Alliance lies in the diversity of the...

New Hires Set to Strengthen Alliance Capacity and Programming

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Sarina Washington, D.C. — As part of an ongoing strategy to transform the Alliance for Health Policy to meet the needs of policymakers, supporters, and the broader policy community in our 30th anniversary...

Celebrating 30 Years of Advancing Health Policy Knowledge

It was 1991: Boyz II Men was about to top the music charts, leg warmers were giving way to flannel, and I was deep in rehearsals for my high school play. But for people across the country, health care was quickly becoming a rising concern. National health expenditures...

Message from the President: Traveling the Road Ahead

As we look forward to the rest of 2022 and enter our thirtieth year, I want to take a moment to summarize some reflections about the road we’ve traveled at the Alliance, share with you our growth plans, and emphasize the values that will guide us as we advance. The...