Panel 3: How Does the Election Impact Health Policy in the 119th Congress?

November 13, 2024
3:30 pm-

4:20 pm

This panel will examine the effects of the recent election on health policy as the 119th Congress takes shape. With insights from key experts, the discussion will cover the anticipated priorities for the new Congress and how the election results may influence the health policy agenda. Panelists will explore which health issues are likely to dominate legislative efforts and what shifts in policy approaches we can expect moving forward.

Summit Details

This panel is part of a larger summit event.

November 13, 2024

As the United States approaches the 2024 presidential election, health care remains a pivotal issue for Americans. This symposium will provide an opportunity for us to learn from the outcomes of the election and campaign season about the state of health care and what can be expected in the future....


Debbie Curtis

Vice President, McDermott+ Consulting
Debbie is a highly respected health policy authority who helps clients advance their missions in Congress and beyond. With more than three decades of experience working both on the Hill and with the health insurance exchange marketplace, she helps clients execute payment strategy, see around the corner on policy and regulatory changes, and pursue effective advocacy. In addition, Debbie has deep experience working closely with payers, industry stakeholders and government officials at the federal, state and local levels. During her 24 years as a Congressional Staffer, Debbie served most recently in a joint position as Chief of Staff to US Representative Pete Stark (D-CA), and as a professional staff member on the US House of Representatives Committee on Ways & Means, Health Subcommittee. Debbie was integrally involved in the creation and movement of health legislation through the committee, with a focus on improving and protecting Medicare. She was a key staffer in the development of the Affordable Care Act, and worked closely with the Administration and other Congressional committees and Leadership on the implementation of the law. Debbie joins M+ from the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority, where she was part of the founding team that established and operated DC Health Link, the District of Columbia’s online state-based health insurance exchange marketplace. In that capacity, she worked closely with stakeholders, advocates and government officials at the local and federal levels and led the Authority’s interactions with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Christopher Holt

Strategic Advisor
Christopher Holt is a Strategic Advisor at the Alliance for Health Policy, providing policy and federal affairs direction and consulting on a variety of Alliance initiatives. He also serves as a bridge between the Alliance and our congressional and executive branch audiences. Chris was previously Vice President of Policy & Federal Affairs for the Alliance overseeing our policy workstream to ensuring our programs are solution-focused, grounded in evidence, and timely for our policy audience. Before joining the Alliance, Chris was the Director of Health Care Policy at the American Action Forum (AAF). His op-eds have appeared in publications including Real Clear Policy and The Hill, and his research and perspectives have been cited in numerous publications including Politico, Congressional Quarterly, Modern Healthcare, and Bloomberg Law. He has been a regular panelist at briefings and policy events and has provided expert testimony to multiple congressional committees. Prior to AAF, Chris served on Capitol Hill as health policy advisor to Senator Scott Brown (R-MA), Representatives Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Bob Inglis (R-SC), and Senator George Voinovich (R-OH). He began his congressional career with the Senate Special Committee on Aging under then-Chairman Gordon Smith (R-OR). Chris holds a master’s degree in congressional and presidential studies from The Catholic University of America, and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Whitman College.

Rodney Whitlock, Ph.D.

Vice President, McDermott+Consulting
Rodney is an accomplished health care advisor with more than two decades on the Hill where he specialized in rural health, the health care safety net and disability policy. With more than 25 years of experience, Rodney possesses and offers clients the kind of knowledge that is uniquely available to those who have drafted and advanced legislation. He strategically guides clients through dense Medicare and Medicaid issues that have significant business impact. While working in Congress, Rodney served as former US Representative Charlie Norwood’s (R-GA) health policy director where he managed the Patients’ Bill of Rights (S.1890), among other notable health policy matters. Rodney then went on to serve Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in the Senate. He first joined the Senate Finance Committee Staff as a health policy advisor to Chairman Grassley, and ultimately joined the Senator’s personal office as health policy director. During his time in the Senate, Rodney served as the lead Republican staffer for Medicaid legislation from 2005 to 2010, and continued to serve Senator Grassley on all health-related issues through 2015. During his time in the Senate, Rodney helped staff Republicans in the Senate on such prominent and important legislation as the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2007 and 2009 and Affordable Care Act of 2010. For the last 20 years, Rodney has been an adjunct faculty member at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health’s Department of Health Policy and Management, and the Graduate School of Political Management’s Department of Legislative Affairs. Hundreds of students have taken Rodney’s courses and have gone on to pursue careers in Washington, DC.