Delivery System Reform

Delivery system reform includes a variety of activities aimed at changing the structure and incentives in the health care system to encourage quality and efficiency, reward care coordination among various health care providers and entities through the sharing of information, often using health information technology, and improve patient and consumer engagement.

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events for this topic. See past events below.

Past Events

July 25, 2024

AI in Health- Navigating New Frontiers Summit Thursday, July 25, 2024 Barbara Jordan Conference Center – 1330 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005 9:00 AM Registration | 9:30 – 3:30 PM Panel Presentations This year, the Signature Series delves into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both health care and health policy. In […]

January 24, 2024

This event featured an analysis of potential health policy priorities at both state and federal levels for this upcoming election year, and provided a review of major legislative milestones from 2023 and their potential implications for 2024.

September 13, 2023

As the health care system grapples with unprecedented challenges post-pandemic – from workforce to supply chain shortages, from technological advances to continued health inequities and affordability challenges – will the future of the health care system meet the needs of real people and communities? When “people” become “patients,” what happens? And what do health policy leaders need to know to put people first?

April 14, 2023

This panel provided a high-level overview of health care coverage programs in the United States, such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and employer-based insurance, as well as recent changes to coverage such as bolstering subsidies. This Session:

November 30, 2022

The November 8 midterm elections have reshaped the contours of federal health policymaking for the remainder of President Biden’s current term. While Democrats outperformed expectations retaining control of the Senate—with the potential of adding a seat—and limiting their losses in the House, Republicans have gained a majority in the House. As a result, avenues for […]

October 19, 2022

Over the last few decades, horizontal and vertical consolidation within health care markets has become a pressing issue – with competing market forces driving this dynamic. Horizontal consolidation occurs when two providers performing similar functions merge – such as when two hospitals merge or groups of physician practices merge to form larger group practices. For […]

January 14, 2022

This event was Part I of the Alliance’s Health Policy Roundup and 2022 Forecast series. The year 2021 was packed with executive, legislative, and judicial branch activities—including infrastructure bills, reconciliation packages, a Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act, as well as continued executive actions to combat COVID-19 as the U.S. enters winter and […]

November 30, 2021

The 2020 Census identified 9.7 million people as American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN), alone and in combination with another race. As upheld by the Supreme Court. the United States government has a “trust responsibility to provide services to American Indians and Alaska Native persons”. This doctrine upholds that, among other provisions, the federal government […]

November 9, 2021

Clinicians, hospitals, and health systems are searching for new ways to improve the oncology patient experience and promote health equity. The ongoing pandemic has complicated this push for improvement, as providers and health systems have had to change care delivery practices dramatically to protect patients from COVID-19. Furthermore, health equity has received significant attention over […]

August 31, 2021

Download an overview of this event for easy sharing » Medicare payment reform aims to increase quality health care for Medicare beneficiaries and improve the program’s financial sustainability. This briefing provided background on Medicare payment reform, including new value-based models that have evolved over the past decade. Panelists provided a landscape overview of the most promising […]


Hospital Readmissions

Beginning on Oct. 1, 2012, hospitals for the first time faced a financial penalty for readmitting a Medicare patient whom they had already cared for in the past month. Data shows that readmissions have already fallen, although the policy remains controversial.

Medical Malpractice Reform

Medical malpractice reform has been a contentious area of debate among health care policymakers. The resources in this new Toolkit, co-written by Shane Durkin and Erin Buchanan of the Alliance, will help you understand why this has been a partisan debate throughout the years and describe the research behind traditional tort reform. It will also […]

Health Care Consolidation

The pace of health care consolidation is accelerating. Over half of hospitals were exploring a possible merger in 2013, and half were also planning to purchase physician practices. The dollar value of those acquisitions declined, however, as recent purchases have been less about megamergers and more about smaller entities as the newer targets of acquisition.

Telemedicine Toolkit: The Promise and Challenges

The integration of technology and health care is on the rise. Although evidence shows that telemedicine has improved access to health care and resulted in lower costs in rural and underserved areas, challenges to expansion include reimbursement policies and acceptable security measures. A new Alliance for Health Reform Toolkit, “Telemedicine: The Promise and Challenges,” addresses […]

Health Care Consolidation

In 2014, there were a total of 1,299 mergers and acquisitions in the health care sector – a record number, up from 1,035 the year before. This toolkit explores the driving forces behind this trend; the scope and extent of consolidation among doctors, hospitals and insurers; implications for consumers and other stakeholders; and the roles […]

Right Care, Right Patient, Right Time: Comparative Effectiveness Research in the U.S.

The authorization for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is set to expire sometime this year. A decade after the creation of the institute, conversations around CER, health care value, patient-centered care, and real-world evidence continue. This Alliance toolkit seeks to ensure policymakers are informed about CER and its potential impact by providing the basics […]

Sourcebook Chapters

Innovations in payment and delivery systems, in both the public and private sectors.


Members of Congress, Congressional and agency staff, federal, state, and local legislators.

Health Care Stakeholders

Industry stakeholders, practitioners and providers, patient advocates, community organizations, academics.


Members of the press, journalists, public relations professionals.